How to Manage Your RSVP's Like a Pro - White Cherry Invitations

How to Manage Your RSVP's Like a Pro

How to Manage Your RSVP's Like a Pro

The invitation is the all-important guide for your wedding day. It provides crucial details your guests need to know about the who, when, and where, as well as information on attire, gifts, and preparations.

And the RSVP is the most important part of the wedding invitation. It is how you will successfully plan your wedding, one of the biggest events in your life.

Here are 7 ways to manage your RSVP's like a pro!

1. Set your RSVP deadline

Set your RSVP date at least 6 weeks before your wedding date. This will give you enough time to chase those guests who haven't replied on time, while also giving you enough time to finalise seating arrangements, organise place cards and menus, and confirm final catering numbers and other logistics.

2. Give guests only one or two points of contact

Provide only one or two points of contact for your guests to send their RSVP back to you. This can be done by including a physical RSVP card that your guests need to post back to you (I highly recommend pairing this with a self-addressed, stamped return envelope), a link or QR code to your wedding website, your mobile number, or your email. Choose only 1 or 2 methods so you can stay on top of who has replied and keep everything in one place.

3. Use a spreadsheet

Set up a spreadsheet with all your guests' details. Start with the guest details used in the guest list you used to send out your wedding invitations. Create columns next to each guest name to record their attendance status, any dietary requirements, and accommodation details if needed. Record each response as they come in, and update it regularly. This will also help you keep track of any special requirements your guests might have and whether you have room to invite some guests from your B List.

4. Don't forget to include yourselves

Make sure to add yourselves to the list to ensure your vendors have an accurate count for seating arrangements, catering, and other services. Remember, you're not just the hosts; you're also part of the celebration! Also, include your bridal party. Everyone attending your wedding needs to be on your final guest list.

5. Follow up guests that don't respond.

There will be guests who don't respond on time, or at all! You must follow up with these guests. Do not assume that they are or aren't coming, as this can lead to disappointment and financial heartache.

Start by sending your guests an email 1 week before your RSVP date, reminding them that the deadline is approaching. Send a second email a day after your RSVP deadline.

If you still haven't heard from them, send them a text message or call them directly until you know their attendance status. If you cannot get an answer from them after multiple attempts, send a final email stating that you will assume they are unable to attend if you don't hear from them by "x-date".

6. Include your vendors

Think about your on-the-day vendors such as your photographer, videographer, planner, DJ, MC, pet sitter, etc. It is polite etiquette to ensure your on-the-day vendors are fed accordingly, and you may consider creating a "vendor table" for them to have small pockets of respite throughout your day.

7. Communicate your final numbers to your vendors

Once your guest list is finalised, communicate the following to your wedding vendors:

  • Final numbers and dietary requirements to your caterer or venue
  • Guest names to your stationer to finalise place cards and the seating chart
  • Final guest quantity to order menus, guest favors, and anything else reliant on your guest head count

Tracking RSVPs and organising the seating chart are among the trickiest tasks in wedding planning. Following these guidelines can help ease some of the pressure. For additional wedding planning support, contact me here. Managing RSVPs can be challenging, but I’m here to help make it easier for you!

​Until next time!​
Bel x