Figuring out how to word your wedding invitations can be difficult.
See below a few suggestions to help you decide the best layout.
Option 1 - No host line
{guest name}
The pleasure of your company is requested
to celebrate the wedding of
{names of couple}
{day of week, date of wedding}
{time of ceremony}
Ceremony Venue Name
Ceremony Venue Address
Followed by the reception at {time of reception}
Reception Venue Name
Reception Venue Address
RSVP by {date}
Option 2 - Parents included in host line
Parents names of the bride
together with
parents names of the groom
request the pleasure of your company
{guest name}
to celebrate the marriage of their children
{names of couple}
{day of week, date of wedding}
{time of ceremony}
Ceremony Venue Name
Ceremony Venue Address
Followed by the reception at {time of reception}
Reception Venue Name
Reception Venue Address
RSVP by {date}
Option 3 - Together with their families
Together with their families
{names of couple}
{guest name}
to celebrate their marriage
{day of week, date of wedding}
{time of ceremony}
Ceremony Venue Name
Ceremony Venue Address
Followed by the reception at {time of reception}
Reception Venue Name
Reception Venue Address
RSVP by {date}
Brides parents hosting
<brides parents names>
request the honour of
<guest's name>
at the marriage of their daughter
<brides name>
<grooms name>
Grooms parents hosting
<grooms parents names>
request the honour of your presence
at the marriage of
<brides name>
to their son
<grooms name>
Brides parents and grooms parents hosting
<brides parents names>
together with
<grooms parents names>
<guest names>
In joining them to celebrate the marriage of their children
<bride & groom names>
Bride and groom hosting
<bride and groom names>
request the pleasure of the company of
<guest name>
to share in the celebration of our marriage
Bride and groom with parents hosting
Together with their parents (or families)
<bride and groom>
request the pleasure of the company of
<guest name>
at their marriage
Brides parents hosting and brides mother is deceased
<brides fathers name> and the late <brides mothers name>
Requests the honour of your company at the marriage of their daughter....
Brides parents hosting and grooms mother is deceased
<brides parents names>
Request the honour of your company at the marriage of their daughter
<bride name> to <groom name>
son of <grooms fathers name> and the late <grooms mothers name>